Tuesday, 28 June 2011


hello readers. today we are going to do our task 4 , which is we need to review a blog that sell the same product such our product and we need to comment about the blog . so here , we are going to review about the :

for your information, this blog are selling many variety of shawl . for example PASHMINA, SATIN, INNER NECK DENIM, SHAWL SAFWA, SHAWL QAYLA and many others.The owner of this blog is a beautiful lady which her name is LIENA RAZAK ( based on her facebook name ) .Besides of being the owner , she also be the model for all the shawl that she sell. 
lets take a look at some picture of her blog .!
p/s : click the picture for enlarge 
this is the picture of her blog's header..

this picture showed the examples of the shawl that she sell to the others.

the last picture is about the example of the price ..
 As we look at the blog , there are some opinion that we are going to share to all of you. We think that the blog have the own strength and weakness .For us, the strength of this blog is :

1) she gave all the information needed by the customer such as the term & condition, order form , postage rates, and some explaination about her product.

2) she also provided the tutorial for her customer , so that eventhough her customer do not know how to wear the shawl , they can learn it from the tutorial provided.
3) she always sell the latest shawl to her customer .

4) there are a lot of choices can be made by customer since she promotes a lot of types and colours of the shawl on her blog.

5) the blog is simple and not complicated to be understand by the readers.

6) besides, she also provided the buyers to buy her product by " borong " and less price will be given.
7) last but not least , the quality of all the picture is great !. 

next , we are going to list about the weaknesses that we think about her blog . it is : 

1) the price given is quit high . it may be reasonable for those who are working but not for student who are not having their own salary.

2) she just provided a delivery inside Malaysia ( include Sabah & Sarawak ) only . 

3) the payment is just can be made through MAYBANK acc and CIMB only .

as a conclusion , we think that this blog is great as it have more strengths compare to the weaknesses.
we hope that our business can be as good as her business . Thank you ..

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